Ausgewählte Publikationen von Thomas M. Deserno, geb. Lehmann

MedShapeNet - a large-scale dataset of 3D medical shapes for computer vision

Li J, Zhou Z, Yang J, Pepe A, Gsaxner C, Luijten G, Qu C, Zhang T, Chen X, Li W, Wodzinski M, Friedrich P, Xie K, Jin Y, Ambigapathy N, Nasca E, Solak N, Melito GM, Vu VD, Memon AR, Schlachta C, De Ribaupierre S, Patel R, Eagleson R, Chen X, Mächler H, Kirschke JS, de la Rosa E, Christ PF, Li HB, Ellis DG, Aizenberg MR, Gatidis S, Küstner T, Shusharina N, Heller N, Andrearczyk V, Depeursinge A, Hatt M, Sekuboyina A, Löffler MT, Liebl H, Dorent R, Vercauteren T, Shapey J, Kujawa A, Cornelissen S, Langenhuizen P, Ben-Hamadou A, Rekik A, Pujades S, Boyer E, Bolelli F, Grana C, Lumetti L, Salehi H, Ma J, Zhang Y, Gharleghi R, Beier S, Sowmya A, Garza-Villarreal EA, Balducci T, Angeles-Valdez D, Souza R, Rittner L, Frayne R, Ji Y, Ferrari V, Chatterjee S, Dubost F, Schreiber S, Mattern H, Speck O, Haehn D, John C, Nürnberger A, Pedrosa J, Ferreira C, Aresta G, Cunha A, Campilho A, Suter Y, Garcia J, Lalande A, Vandenbossche V, Van Oevelen A, Duquesne K, Mekhzoum H, Vandemeulebroucke J, Audenaert E, Krebs C, van Leeuwen T, Vereecke E, Heidemeyer H, Röhrig R, Hölzle F, Badeli V, Krieger K, Gunzer M, Chen J, van Meegdenburg T, Dada A, Balzer M, Fragemann J, Jonske F, Rempe M, Malorodov S, Bahnsen FH, Seibold C, Jaus A, Marinov Z, Jaeger PF, Stiefelhagen R, Santos AS, Lindo M, Ferreira A, Alves V, Kamp M, Abourayya A, Nensa F, Hörst F, Brehmer A, Heine L, Hanusrichter Y, Weßling M, Dudda M, Podleska LE, Fink MA, Keyl J, Tserpes K, Kim MS, Elhabian S, Lamecker H, Zukić D, Paniagua B, Wachinger C, Urschler M, Duong L, Wasserthal J, Hoyer PF, Basu O, Maal T, Witjes MJH, Schiele G, Chang TC, Ahmadi SA, Luo P, Menze B, Reyes M, Deserno TM, Davatzikos C, Puladi B, Fua P, Yuille AL, Kleesiek J, Egger J.
MedShapeNet - a large-scale dataset of 3D medical shapes for computer vision.
Biomed Tech (Berl). 2024; 70:71-90.

Monitoring individualized glucose levels predicts risk for bradycardia in type 2 diabetes patients with chronic kidney disease: a pilot study.

Farhadi Ghalati P, Samadi ME, Verket M, Balfanz P, Müller-Wieland D, Jonas S, Napp A, Wanner C, Ketteler M, Vassiliadou A, Heidenreich S, Deserno TM, Hetzel G, Fliser D, Kelm M, Floege J, Marx N, Schuppert A.
Monitoring individualized glucose levels predicts risk for bradycardia in type 2 diabetes patients with chronic kidney disease: a pilot study.
Sci Rep. 2024; 14:30290.

Challenges of integrating ICD-11 into automatic alerting systems

Tegegne MD, Krips M, Ibrahim I, Deserno TM.
Challenges of integrating ICD-11 into automatic alerting systems.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2024; 316:267-271.

Creating digital rescue sheets

Sobotta VMG, Deserno TM.
Creating digital rescue sheets.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2024; 316:1844-1848.

Deep learning-based prediction of daily COVID-19 cases using X (Twitter) data

Ahmed N, Saeed K, Rodrigues JL, Naeem M, Correa A, Sanabboon C, Rostam Niakan Kalhori S, Deserno TM.
Deep learning-based prediction of daily COVID-19 cases using X (Twitter) data.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2024; 316:1989-1993.

Multimodal signal fusion for heartbeat monitoring on eScooters

Singh H, Warnecke JM, Picker A, Ganapathy N, Deserno TM.
Multimodal signal fusion for heartbeat monitoring on eScooters.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2024; 316:973-977.

Quality of electrocardiography recorded with consumer smart shirts

Haas P, Spicher N, Warnecke JM, Deserno TM.
Quality of electrocardiography recorded with consumer smart shirts.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2024; 316:487-491.

Robust in-vehicle signal quality assessment using multimodal signal fusion

Senthilkumar L, Warnecke JM, Bollmann J, Deserno TM.
Robust in-vehicle signal quality assessment using multimodal signal fusion.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2024; 316:988-992.

Unobtrusive monitoring of clinical deterioration in smart homes

Rostam Niakan Kalhori S, Tanhapour M, Deserno TM.
Unobtrusive monitoring of clinical deterioration in smart homes.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2024; 316:513-517.

Breast cancer diagnostics using angular view infrared images

Samantaraya S, Nair K, Baffa MFO, Deserno TM.
Breast cancer diagnostics using angular view infrared images.
Proc SPIE. 2024; 12931:129310U-9.

Real-time ECG-monitoring in virtual reality

Schüler W, Bente LM, Deserno TM, Kacprowski T.
Real-time ECG-monitoring in virtual reality.
Proc SPIE. 2024; 12931:1293113-10.

Unsupervised deep learning for clustering tumor subcompartments histopathological images in non small cell lung cancer

Baffa MFO, Schaadt NS, Feuerhake F, Deserno TM.
Unsupervised deep learning for clustering tumor subcompartments histopathological images in non small cell lung cancer.
Proc SPIE. 2024; 12931:129310Z-8.

Artificial intelligence in medicine: mitigating risks and maximizing benefits via quality assurance, quality control, and acceptance testing

Mahmood U, Shukla-Dave A, Chan HP, Drukker K, Samala RK, Chen Q, Vergara D, Greenspan H, Petrick N, Sahiner B, Huo Z, Summers RM, Cha KH, Tourassi G, Deserno TM, Grizzard KT, Nappi JJ, Yoshida H, Regge D, Mazurchuk R, Suzuki K, Morra L, Huisman H, Armato SG III, Hadjiiski L.
Artificial intelligence in medicine: mitigating risks and maximizing benefits via quality assurance, quality control, and acceptance testing.
BJR Artif Intell. 2024; 1:1-8.

Deep neural networks can differentiate thyroid pathologies on infrared hyperspectral images

Baffa MFO, Zezell DM, Bachmann L, Pereira TM, Deserno TM, Felipe JC.
Deep neural networks can differentiate thyroid pathologies on infrared hyperspectral images.
Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2024; 247:1-8.

Task design for crowdsourced glioma cell annotation in microscopy images

Schwarze S, Schaadt NS, Sobotta VMG, Spicher N, Skripuletz T, Esmaeilzadeh M, Krauss JK, Hartmann C, Deserno TM, Feuerhake F.
Task design for crowdsourced glioma cell annotation in microscopy images.
Sci Rep. 2024; 14:1965.

Continuous health monitoring on shared mobility devices:a health-escooter prototype

Warnecke JM, Baumgartner C, Breitner MH, Briechle DF, Deserno TM, Heumann M, Johns M, Picker A, Rausch A, Wolf L.
Continuous health monitoring on shared mobility devices:a health-escooter prototype.
Proc HICSS. 2024; 3485-3494.

Minitrack: healthcare applications for personal vehicles

Deserno TM, Baumgartner C, Breitner MH, Rausch A.
Minitrack: healthcare applications for personal vehicles.
Proc HICSS. 2024; 3483-3484.


Advancing thyroid pathologies detection with recurrent neural networks and micro-FTIR hyperspectral imaging

Baffa M, Bachmann L, Zezell DM, Pereira TM, Deserno TM, Felipe JC.
Advancing thyroid pathologies detection with recurrent neural networks and micro-FTIR hyperspectral imaging.
Proc IEEE CBMS. 2023; 611-615.

Digital Emergency Management for a Complex One Health Landscape: the Need for Standardization, Integration, and Interoperability

Benis A, Haghi M, Tamburis O, Darmoni SJ, Grosjean J, Deserno TM.
Digital emergency management for a complex one health landscape: the need for standardization, integration, and interoperability.
IMIA Yearb Med Inform. 2023; 32:27-35.


Baumgartner C, Rittner L, Deserno TM.
Machine and deep learning dominate recent innovations in sensors, signals and imaging informatics.
IMIA Yearb Med Inform. 2023; 32:282-285.

Crowdsourcing image segmentation for deep learning: integrated platform for citizen science, paid microtask, and gamification

Spicher N, Wesemeyer T, Deserno TM.
Crowdsourcing image segmentation for deep learning: integrated platform for citizen science, paid microtask, and gamification.
Biomed Tech (Berl). 2023; 69:1-13.

Robust in-vehicle heartbeat detection using multimodal signal fusion

Warnecke JM, Lasenby J, Deserno TM.
Robust in-vehicle heartbeat detection using multimodal signal fusion.
Sci Rep. 2023; 13:20864.

Robust in-vehicle respiratory rate detection using multimodal signal fusion

Warnecke JM, Lasenby J, Deserno TM.
Robust in-vehicle respiratory rate detection using multimodal signal fusion.
Sci Rep. 2023; 13:20435.

Best Practices for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Medical Imaging

Vergara D, Armato SG 3rd, Hadjiiski L, Drukker K, Cha K, Chan HP, Morra L, Näppi JJ, Sahiner B, Yoshida H, Chen Q, Deserno TM, Greenspan H, Huisman H, Huo Z, Mazurchuk R, Petrick N, Regge D, Samala R, Summers RM, Suzuki K, Tourassi G, Shukla-Dave A, Mahmood U.
Best practices for artificial intelligence and machine learning for computer-aided diagnosis in medical imaging.
J Am Coll Radiol. 2023; 21:1-3.


Wittau J, Celik S, Kacprowski T, Deserno TM, Seifert R.
Fake paper identification in the pool of withdrawn and rejected manuscripts submitted to Naunyn Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology.
Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2023; 397:1-11.

3D simulations and laboratory experiments to evaluate a dynamic airbag valve

Shirur N, Birkner C, Bleeck M, Forster A, Deserno TM, Henze R.
3D simulations and laboratory experiments to evaluate a dynamic airbag valve.
Int J Crashworthiness. 2023; 1-11.

Assessment of driver's stress using multimodal biosignals and regularized deep kernel learning

Roha VS, Ganapathy N, Spicher N, Saha S, Deserno TM.
Assessment of driver's stress using multimodal biosignals and regularized deep kernel learning.
Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2023; 1-4.

Data Sharing Platform for MIMIC-IV and MIMIC-ED Data Marts: Designing a Data Retrieving System Based on the Intra-Hospital Patient Transfer Pathway

Rostam Niakan Kalhori S, Deserno TM, Soleiman J, Kasiri Habibabadi S.
Data sharing platform for MIMIC-IV and MIMIC-ED data marts: designing a data retrieving system based on the intra-hospital patient transfer pathway.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2023; 302:98-102.

Towards Prediction of Injuries in Traffic Accidents

Sobotta VMG, Flormann M, Henze R, Deserno TM.
Towards prediction of injuries in traffic accidents.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2023; 302:118-122.

Technological Assessment of Smart Wearables and 5G-Integrated Edge Computing for Real-Time Health Monitoring

Haas P, Deserno TM.
Technological assessment of smart wearables and 5G-integrated edge computing for real-time health monitoring.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2023; 302:1002-1006.

One Digital Health Intervention for Monitoring Human and Animal Welfare in Smart Cities: Viewpoint and Use Case

Benis A, Haghi M, Deserno TM, Tamburis O.
One digital health intervention for monitoring human and animal welfare in smart cities: Viewpoint and use case.
JMIR Med Inform. 2023; 11(e43871):1-18.

Reliability estimation of armchair- based capacitive ECG using video- based pose estimation

Srivastava S, Ershadi A, Haghi M, Deserno TM.
Reliability estimation of armchair-based capacitive ECG using video-based pose estimation.
Proc SPIE. 2023; 12469:124690E.

Video-based in-vehicle action recognition for continuous health monitoring

Ramachandran A, Gokhale K, Kripps M, Deserno TM.
Video-based in-vehicle action recognition for continuous health monitoring.
Proc SPIE. 2023; 12469:124690V.

AAPM task group report

Hadjiiski L, Cha K, Chan HP, Drukker K, Morra L, Näppi JJ, Sahiner B, Yoshida H, Chen Q, Deserno TM, Greenspan H, Huisman H, Huo Z, Mazurchuk R, Petrick N, Regge D, Samala R, Summers RM, Suzuki K, Tourassi G, Vergara D, Armato SG.
AAPM task group report 273: Recommendations on best practices for AI and machine learning for computer-aided diagnosis in medical imaging.
Med Phys. 2023; 50(2):1-24.

A protocol for a systematic review of electronic early warning/track-and-trigger systems (EW/TTS) to predict clinical deterioration: Focus on automated features, technologies, and algorithms

Kalhori SRN, Deserno TM, Haghi M, Ganapathy N.
A protocol for a systematic review of electronic early warning/track-and-trigger systems (EW/TTS) to predict clinical deterioration: Focus on automated features, technologies, and algorithms.
PLoS One. 2023; 18(e0283010):1-11.

Recognizing Human Activity of Daily Living Using a Flexible Wearable for 3D Spine Pose Tracking

Haghi M, Ershadi A, Deserno TM.
Recognizing human activity of daily living using a flexible wearable for 3D spine pose tracking.
Sensors. 2023; 23(2066):1-20.


Best Research Papers in the Field of Sensors, Signals, and Imaging Informatics 2021

Baumgartner C, Deserno TM.
Best research papers in the field of sensors, signals, and imaging informatics 2021.
IMIA Yearb Med Inform. 2022; 31(01):296-302.

Combining Vehicle BUS and Vital Sign Sensors for Continuous Health Monitoring During Driving: Concept and First Results

Deserno TM, Warnecke JM, Flormann M, Henze R.
Combining vehicle bus and vital sign sensors for continuous health monitoring during driving: concept and first results.
Proc IEEE ICECCME. 2022; 1-6.

Unobtrusive Heart Rate Monitoring using Near-Infrared Imaging During Driving

Selvaraju V, Spicher N, Swaminathan R, Deserno TM.
Unobtrusive heart rate monitoring using near-infrared imaging during driving.
Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2022; 1-5.

Requirement analysis for an intelligent warning system to alarm the rapid response team prior to patient deterioration

Rostam Niakan Kalhori S, Deserno TM.
Requirement analysis for an intelligent warning system to alarm the rapid response team prior to patient deterioration.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2022; 295:5-11.

SHACL-based report quality evaluation for health IT-induced medication errors

Keuchel D, Spicher N, Wang J, Völcker M, Gong Y, Deserno TM.
SHACL-based report quality evaluation for health IT-induced medication errors.
MedInfo 2021. 2022; 290:414-8.

Accident & Emergency Informatics and One Digital Health

Haghi M, Benis A, Deserno TM.
Accident & emergency informatics and one digital health.
IMIA Yearb Med Inform. 2022; 31(01):40-6.

Printed and flexible ECG electrodes attached to the steering wheel for continuous health monitoring during driving

Warnecke JM, Ganapathy N, Koch E, Dietzel A, Flormann M, Henze R, Deserno TM.
Printed and flexible ECG electrodes attached to the steering wheel for continuous health monitoring during driving.
Sensors. 2022; 22(11):4198.

Continuous monitoring of vital signs using cameras: a systematic review

Selvaraju V, Spicher N, Wang J, Ganapathy N, Warnecke JM, Leonhardt S, Swaminathan R, Deserno TM.
Continuous monitoring of vital signs using cameras: a systematic review.
Sensors. 2022; 22(11):4097.

Face detection from in-car video for continuous health monitoring

Selvaraju V, Spicher N, Swaminathan R, Deserno TM.
Face detection from in-car video for continuous health monitoring.
Proc SPIE. 2022; 12037:12037088.

Multi-camera and multi-person indoor activity recognition for continuous health monitoring using long short term memory

Meratwal M, Spicher N, Deserno TM.
Multi-camera and multi-person indoor activity recognition for continuous health monitoring using long short term memory.
Proc SPIE. 2022; 12037:120370A8.

Fifty years of SPIE medical imaging proceedings papers

Nishikawa RM, Deserno TM, Madabhushi A, Krupinski EA, Summers RM, Hoeschen C, Mello-Thoms C, Myers KJ, Kupinski MA, Siewerdsen JH.
Fifty years of SPIE medical imaging proceedings papers.
J Med Imaging (Bellingham). 2022; S1:1-16.

Vehicle as a diagnostic space: action recognition while driving a car

Jacob T, Krips M, Deserno TM.
Vehicle as a diagnostic space: action recognition while driving a car.
Proc SPIE. 2022; 12037:12037076.

Video-based driver emotion recognition using hybrid deep spatio-temporal feature learning

Varma H, Ganapathy N, Deserno TM.
Video-based driver emotion recognition using hybrid deep spatio-temporal feature learning.
Proc SPIE. 2022; 12037:12037097.

FAIR4Health: findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable data to foster health research

Alvarez-Romero C, Martínez-García A, Sinaci AA, Deserno TM et al.
FAIR4Health: findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable data to foster health research.
Open Res Europe. 2022; 2(34):1-8.

Tracking activities of daily living in the home office

Wang J, Aguirre Mehlhorn M, Ditler K, Effner B, Deserno TM.
Tracking activities of daily living in the home office.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2022; 289:162-5.


Beyond a three-dimensional digital rescue sheet

Deserno TM, Stachowiak N, Wang J.
Beyond a three-dimensional digital rescue sheet.
Proc IEEE ICECCME. 2021; 1-6.

Feasibility analysis of fifth-generation (5G) mobile networks for transmission of medical imaging data

Spicher N, Schweins M, Thielecke L, Kürner T, Deserno TM.
Feasibility analysis of fifth-generation (5G) mobile networks for transmission of medical imaging data.
Proc 43rd IEEE EMBC. 2021; 1791-5.

Edge computing in 5G cellular networks for real-time analysis of electrocardiography recorded with wearable textile sensors

Spicher N, Klingenberg A, Purrucker V, Deserno TM.
Edge computing in 5G cellular networks for real-time analysis of electrocardiography recorded with wearable textile sensors.
Proc 43rd IEEE EMBC. 2021; 1735-9.

Sensor fusion for robust heartbeat detection during driving

Warnecke JM, Boecker N, Spicher N, Wang J, Flormann M, Deserno TM.
Sensor fusion for robust heartbeat detection during driving.
Proc 43rd IEEE EMBC. 2021; 447-50.

Cardiopulmonary coupling analysis using smart wearables and mobile computing

Schüler W, Spicher N, Deserno TM.
Cardiopulmonary coupling analysis using smart wearables and mobile computing.
Curr Dir Biomed Eng. 2021; 7(2):291-4.

IJCARS: BVM 2021 special issue

Maier A, Deserno TM, Handels H, Maier-Hein K, Palm C, Tolxdorff T.
IJCARS: BVM 2021 special issue.
Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2021; 16:2067-8.

Registered report protocol: developing an artifact index for capacitive electrocardiography signals acquired with an armchair

Warnecke JM, Wang J, Cakir T, Spicher N, Ganapathy N, Deserno TM.
Registered report protocol: developing an artifact index for capacitive electrocardiography signals acquired with an armchair.
Plos One. 2021; 16(7):e0254780.

Tactile occupant detection sensor for automotive airbag

Shirur N, Birkner C, Henze R, Deserno TM.
Tactile occupant detection sensor for automotive airbag.
Energies. 2021; 14(17):5288.

Automatic information exchange in the early rescue chain using the International Standard Accident Number (ISAN)

Haghi M, Barakat R, Spicher N, Heinrich C, Jageniak J, Öktem GS, Krips M, Wang J, Hackel S, Deserno TM.
Automatic information exchange in the early rescue chain using the International Standard Accident Number (ISAN).
Healthcare. 2021; 9(8):996.

Automatic detection of atrial fibrillation in ECG using co-occurrence patterns of dynamic symbol assignment and machine learning

Ganapathy N, Baumgärtel D, Deserno TM.
Automatic detection of atrial fibrillation in ECG using co-occurrence patterns of dynamic symbol assignment and machine learning.
Sensors. 2021; 21(10):3542.

A topical collection on ICT for health science research

Deserno TM, Dugas M, Löbe M, Stausberg J.
A topical collection on ICT for health science research: EFMI special topic conference.
J Med Syst. 2021; 45(7):70.

Proposing an International Standard Accident Number (ISAN) for interconnecting ICT systems of the rescue chain

Spicher N, Barakat R, Wang J, Haghi M, Jagieniak J, Öktem GS, Hackel S, Deserno TM.
Proposing an International Standard Accident Number (ISAN) for interconnecting ICT systems of the rescue chain.
Methods Inf Med. 2021; 60(S01):e20-e31.

Evidence-based health informatics as the foundation for the COVID-19 response

Fernandez-Luque L, Kushniruk AW, Georgiou A, Basu A, Petersen C, Ronquillo C, Paton C, Nøhr C, Kuziemsky CE, Alhuwail D, Skiba D, Huesing E, Gabarron E, Borycki EM, Magrabi F, Denecke K, Peute LWP, Topaz M, Al-Shorbaji N, Lacroix P, Marcilly R, Cornet R, Iyengar S, Gogia SB, Kobayashi S, Deserno TM, Mettler T, Vimarlund V, Zhu X.
Evidence-based health informatics as the foundation for the COVID-19 response: a joint call for action.
Methods Inf Med. 2021; 59(06):183-192.

Wearable devices in health monitoring from the environmental towards multiple domains

Haghi M, Danyali S, Ayasseh S, Wang J, Aazami R, Deserno TM.
Wearable devices in health monitoring from the environmental towards multiple domains: a survey.
Sensors. 2021; 21(4):2130.

Multi-camera, multi-person, and real- time fall detection using long short term memory

Taufeeque M, Samad K, Spicher N, Deserno TM.
Multi-camera, multi-person, and real- time fall detection using long short term memory.
Proc SPIE. 2021; 11601:1160109.

Gamification concept for acquisition of medical image segmentation via crowdsourcing

Jauer ML, Spicher N, Deserno TM.
Gamification concept for acquisition of medical image segmentation via crowdsourcing.
Proc SPIE. 2021; 11601:116010D.

Annotation quality vs. quantity for deep-learned medical image segmentation

Wesemeyer T, Jauer ML, Deserno TM.
Annotation quality vs. quantity for deep-learned medical image segmentation.
Proc SPIE. 2021; 11601:116010C.

Kompetent im Einsatz

Beyerer J, Deserno TM, Straube S, Tchouchenkov I, Wedler.
Kompetent im Einsatz: Variable Autonomie Lernender Systeme in lebensfeindlichen Umgebungen.
Plattform Lernende Systeme. 2021; 11601:1-38.

Unobtrusive health monitoring in private spaces

Wang J, Spicher N, Warnecke JM, Haghi M, Schwartze J, Deserno TM.
Unobtrusive health monitoring in private spaces: the smart home.
Sensors. 2021; 21(3):864.

Adaptive learning and cross training improves R-wave detection in ECG

Ganapathy N, Swaminathan R, Deserno TM.
Adaptive learning and cross training improves R-wave detection in ECG.
Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2021; 200:105931.

Notable papers and new directions in sensors, signals, and imaging informatics

Hsu W, Baumgartner C, Deserno TM.
Notable papers and new directions in sensors, signals, and imaging informatics.
IMIA Yearb Med Inform. 2021; 30:87-95.


Accident & emergency informatics

Deserno TM, Jakob R.
Accident & emergency informatics: terminologies and standards are needed for digital health in the early rescue chain.
Proc IEEE AICT. 2020; 17-21.


Goel S, Sharma Y, Jauer ML, Deserno TM.
WeLineation: crowdsourcing delineations for reliable ground truth estimation.
Proc SPIE. 2020; 11318:113180C.

STAPLE performance assessed on crowdsourced sclera segmentations

Jauer ML, Goelb S, Sharma Y, Deserno TM, Gijs M, Berendschot TTJM, Bertens CJF, Nuijts RMMA.
STAPLE performance assessed on crowdsourced sclera segmentations.
Proc SPIE. 2020; 11318:113180K.

Automatic alerting of accidents and emergencies

Barakat R, Deserno TM.
Automatic alerting of accidents and emergencies: the international standard accident number and vital sign data embedded in future PACS.
Proc SPIE. 2020; 11318:113180X.

Hardware prototype for wrist-worn simultaneous monitoring of environmental, behavioral, and physiological parameters

Haghi M, Danyali S, Thurow K, Warnecke JM, Wang J, Deserno TM.
Hardware prototype for wrist-worn simultaneous monitoring of environmental, behavioral, and physiological parameters.
Appl Sci. 2020; 10(16):5470.

General conceptual framework of future wearables in healthcare

Haghi M, Deserno TM.
General conceptual framework of future wearables in healthcare: unified, unique, ubiquitous, and unobtrusive (U4) for customized quantified output.
Chemosensors. 2020; 8(3):85.

Transforming smart vehicles and smart homes into private diagnostic spaces

Deserno TM.
Transforming smart vehicles and smart homes into private diagnostic spaces.
Proc ACM APIT. 2020; 165-71.

Unobtrusive health monitoring in private spaces

Wang J, Warnecke JM, Haghi M, Deserno TM.
Unobtrusive health monitoring in private spaces: the smart vehicle.
Sensors. 2020; 20(9):2442.

From raw data to FAIR data

Sinaci AA, Núñez-Benjumea FJ, Gencturk M, Jauer ML, Deserno TM, Chronaki C, Cangioli G, Rodríguez-Pérez JM, Pérez-Pérez MM, Erturkmen GBL, Hernández-Pére T, Méndez-Rodríguez E, Parra-Calderón CL.
From raw data to FAIR data: the FAIRification workflow for health research.
Methods Inf Med. 2020; 59(S 01):e21-e32.

Data provenance standards and recommendations for FAIR data

Jauer ML, Deserno TM.
Data provenance standards and recommendations for FAIR data.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2020; 270:1237-38.

Notable papers and trends from 2019 in sensors, signals, and imaging informatics

Hsu W, Baumgartner C, Deserno TM.
Notable papers and trends from 2019 in sensors, signals, and imaging informatics.
IMIA Yearb Med Inform. 2020; 29:139-44.

Effect of airbag deployment phases on tactile occupant detection sensor

Shirur N, Birkner C, Henze R, Deserno TM, Dudhat D.
Effect of airbag deployment phases on tactile occupant detection sensor.
XII International Science-Technical Conference AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY. 2020; 1-5.


Advancing artificial intelligence in sensors, signals, and imaging informatics

Hsu W, Baumgartner C, Deserno TM.
Advancing artificial intelligence in sensors, signals, and imaging informatics.
IMIA Yearb Med Inform. 2019; 28:122-26.

Lernende Systeme in lebensfeindlichen Umgebungen

Beyerer J, Kirchner F, Albu-Schäffer A, Asfour T, Behnke S, Birk A, Burgard W, Deserno TM, Dzaack J, Egloffstein T, Gustmann M, Nüchter A, Rosen P, Speth H, Straube S, Tchouchenkov I, Zimmermann M.
Lernende Systeme in lebensfeindlichen Umgebungen: Potenziale, Herausforderungen und Gestaltungsoptionen.
Plattform Lernende Systeme. 2019; 30:1-32.

A comparison of open source libraries ready for 3D reconstruction of wounds

Kumar S, Jaglan D, Ganapathy N, Deserno TM.
A comparison of open source libraries ready for 3D reconstruction of wounds.
Proc SPIE. 2019; 10954:109540A.

In-vehicle respiratory rate estimation using accelerometers

Wang J, Warnecke JM, Deserno TM.
In-vehicle respiratory rate estimation using accelerometers.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019; 261:97-102.

International standard accident number

Le HP, Hackel S, Guenther A, Goldschmidt R, Daoud M, Deserno TM.
International standard accident number: a master case index linking accident & emergency with medical data.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019; 258:120-24.

Pay for performance in electronic data capture for clinical trials and medical registries

Rahimbayli S, Lehmann J, Deserno TM.
Pay for performance in electronic data capture for clinical trials and medical registries.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019; 258:221-5.

Registries for research and quality management in emergency care

Daoud M, Le HP, Deserno TM.
Registries for research and quality management in emergency care.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019; 258:169-73.

The vehicle as a diagnostic space

Wang J, Warnecke JM, Deserno TM.
The vehicle as a diagnostic space: efficient placement of accelerometers for respiration monitoring during driving.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019; 258:206-10.

Removal of simulated biofilm at different implant crown designs with interproximal oral hygiene aids

Tuna T, Kuhlmann L, Bishti S, Sirazitdinova E, Deserno TM, Wolfart S.
Removal of simulated biofilm at different implant crown designs with interproximal oral hygiene aids: an in vitro study.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2019; 30(7):627-36.

Noise reduction for efficient in-vehicle respiration monitoring with accelerometers

Warnecke JM, Wang J, Deserno TM.
Noise reduction for efficient in-vehicle respiration monitoring with accelerometers.
Proc IEEE Eng Med Bio Conf. 2019; 41:3257-61.

Validation of computerized quantification of ocular redness

Sirazitdinova E, Gijs M, Bertens CJF, Berendschot TTJM, Nuijts RMMA, Deserno TM.
Validation of computerized quantification of ocular redness.
Trans Vis Sci Tech. 2019; 8(6):1-13.


Sewer discharge estimation by stereoscopic imaging and synchronized frame processing

Sirazitdinova E, Pesic I, Schwehn P, Song H, Satzger M, Sattler M, Weingärtner D, Deserno TM.
Sewer discharge estimation by stereoscopic imaging and synchronized frame processing.
Comput-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Eng. 2018; 33:602-13.

Appendix to deep learning on 1-D biosignals

Ganapathy N, Swaminathan R, Deserno TM.
Appendix to deep learning on 1-D biosignals.
IMIA Yearb Med Inform. 2018; 27:98-109.

Deep learning on 1-D biosignals

Ganapathy N, Swaminathan R, Deserno TM.
Deep learning on 1-D biosignals: a taxonomy-based survey.
IMIA Yearb Med Inform. 2018; 27:98-109.

Implementation of a national framework to promote health data sharing

Knaup P, Deserno TM, Prokosch HU, Sax U.
Implementation of a national framework to promote health data sharing: the German medical informatics initiative.
IMIA Yearb Med Inform. 2018; 27:302-4.

Sensor, signal, and imaging informatics in 2017

Hsu W, Deserno TM, Kahn CE Jr.
Sensor, signal, and imaging informatics in 2017.
IMIA Yearb Med Inform. 2018; 27:110-13.

Das Zertifikat Medizinische Informatik von GMDS, GI und BVMI

Schramm W, Deserno TM.
Das Zertifikat Medizinische Informatik von GMDS, GI und BVMI.
Forum der Medizin_Dokumentation und Medizin_Informatik. 2018; 3:68-9.

Machine learning for mobile wound assessment

Kamath S, Sirazitdinova E, Deserno TM.
Machine learning for mobile wound assessment.
Proc SPIE. 2018; 10579:1057917.

Spatial agreement of demineralized areas in quantitative light-induced fluorescence images and digital photographs

Tatano R, Berkels B, Ehrlich EE, Deserno TM, Fritz UB.
Spatial agreement of demineralized areas in quantitative light-induced fluorescence images and digital photographs.
Dentomaxillofacial Radiol. 2018; 47:1-9.

Computational intelligence re-meets medical image processing

Costin HN, Deserno TM.
Computational intelligence re-meets medical image processing.
Methods Inf Med. 2018; 57(5-6):270-1.


Survey of non-rigid registration tools in medicine

Keszei AP, Berkels B, Deserno TM.
Survey of non-rigid registration tools in medicine.
J Digit Imaging. 2017; 30(1):102-16.

Quantitative light-induced fluorescence images and digital photographs

Tatano R, Ehrlich EE, Berkels B, Sirazitdinova E, Deserno TM, Fritz UB.
Quantitative light-induced fluorescence images and digital photographs: reproducibility of manually marked demineralisations.
J Orofac Orthop. 2017; 78(2):136-43.

Stereo vision for fully automatic volumetric flow measurement in urban drainage structures

Sirazitdinova E, Pesic I, Schwehn P, Song H, Satzger M, Weingärtner D, Sattler M, Deserno TM.
Stereo vision for fully automatic volumetric flow measurement in urban drainage structures.
Proc SPIE. 2017; 10332:103320M.

Colorimetric calibration of wound photography with off-the-shelf devices

Bala S, Sirazitdinova E, Deserno TM.
Colorimetric calibration of wound photography with off-the-shelf devices.
Proc SPIE. 2017; 10136:1013617.

System design for 3D wound imaging using low-cost mobile devices

Sirazitdinova E, Deserno TM.
System design for 3D wound imaging using low-cost mobile devices.
Proc SPIE. 2017; 10138:1013810.

Mobile access to virtual randomization for investigator-initiated trials

Deserno TM, Keszei AP.
Mobile access to virtual randomization for investigator-initiated trials.
Clin Trials. 2017; 14(4):1-10.

Mesh-to-raster region-of-interest-based nonrigid registration of multimodal images

Tatano R, Berkels B, Deserno T M.
Mesh-to-raster region-of-interest-based nonrigid registration of multimodal images.
J Med Imaging. 2017; 4(4):1-15.

Deterioration of R-wave detection in pathology and noise

Kashif M, Jonas SM, Deserno TM.
Deterioration of R-wave detection in pathology and noise: a comprehensive analysis using simultaneous truth and performance level estimation.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2017; 64:2163-75.


Towards efficient mobile image-guided navigation through removal of outliers

Sirazitdinova E, Jonas SM, Lensen J, Kochanov D, Houben R, Slijp H, Deserno TM.
Towards efficient mobile image-guided navigation through removal of outliers.
EURASIP J Image Video Proc. 2016; 43:1-10.

Smartphone-based diagnostic for preeclampsia

Jonas SM, Deserno TM, Buhimschi CS, Makin J, Choma MA, Buhimschi IA.
Smartphone-based diagnostic for preeclampsia: an mHealth solution for administering the Congo Red Dot (CRD) test in settings with limited resources.
J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2016; 23(1):166-73.

Non-rigid contour-to-pixel registration of photographic and quantitative light-induced fluorescence imaging of decalcified teeth

Berkels B, Deserno TM, Ehrlich EE, Fritz UB, Sirazitdinova E, Tatano R.
Non-rigid contour-to-pixel registration of photographic and quantitative light-induced fluorescence imaging of decalcified teeth.
Proc SPIE. 2016; 9784:97840Z.

Surface mesh to voxel data registration for patient-specific anatomical modeling

de Oliveira JEE, Giessler P, Keszei A, Herrler A, Deserno TM.
Surface mesh to voxel data registration for patient-specific anatomical modeling.
Proc SPIE. 2016; 9786:978625.

Classification of voting patterns to improve the generalized Hough transform for epiphyses localization

Hahmann F, Böer G, Gabriel E, Deserno TM, Meyer C, Schramm H.
Classification of voting patterns to improve the generalized Hough transform for epiphyses localization.
Proc SPIE. 2016; 9785:978509.

Interconnecting smartphone, image analysis server, and case report forms in clinical trials for automatic skin lesion tracking in clinical trials

Haak D, Doma A, Gombert A, Deserno TM.
Interconnecting smartphone, image analysis server, and case report forms in clinical trials for automatic skin lesion tracking in clinical trials.
Proc SPIE. 2016; 9789:97890B.

Electronic data capture and DICOM data management in multi-center clinical trials

Haak D, Page CE, Deserno TM.
Electronic data capture and DICOM data management in multi-center clinical trials.
Proc SPIE. 2016; 9789:97890M.

Computational electrocardiography

Deserno TM, Marx N.
Computational electrocardiography: revisiting Holter ECG monitoring.
Methods Inf Med. 2016; 55:305-11.


Human wound photogrammetry with low-cost hardware based on automatic calibration of geometry and color

Jose A, Haak D, Jonas SM, Brandenburg V, Deserno TM.
Human wound photogrammetry with low-cost hardware based on automatic calibration of geometry and color.
Proc SPIE. 2015; 9414:94143J.

Automated detection of Schlemm's canal in spectral-domain optical coherence tomography

Tom M, Ramakrishnan V, van Oterendorp C, Deserno TM.
Automated detection of Schlemm's canal in spectral-domain optical coherence tomography.
Proc SPIE. 2015; 9414:941430.

Bone age assessment meets SIFT

Kashif M, Jonas S, Haak D, Deserno TM.
Bone age assessment meets SIFT.
Proc SPIE. 2015; 9414:941439.

MRI visualisation by digitally reconstructed radiographs

Serrurier A, Bönsch A, Lau R, Deserno TM.
MRI visualisation by digitally reconstructed radiographs.
Proc SPIE. 2015; 9418:94180I.

Evaluation of DICOM viewer software for workflow integration in clinical trials

Haak D, Page CE, Kabino K, Deserno TM.
Evaluation of DICOM viewer software for workflow integration in clinical trials.
Proc SPIE. 2015; 9418:94180O.

DICOM for clinical research

Haak D, Page CE, Reinartz S, Krüger T, Deserno TM.
DICOM for clinical research: PACS-integrated electronic data capture in multi-center trials.
J Digit Imaging. 2015; 28(5):558-6.

IMAGO: Image-guided navigation for visually impaired people

Jonas SM, Sirazitdinova E, Lensen J, Kochanov D, Mayzek H, de Heus T, Houben R, Slijp H, Deserno TM.
IMAGO: Image-guided navigation for visually impaired people.
JAISE. 2015; 1-15.

A survey of DICOM viewer software to integrate clinical research and medical imaging

Haak D, Page CE, Deserno TM.
A survey of DICOM viewer software to integrate clinical research and medical imaging.
J Digit Imaging. 2015; 1-12.

Feature description with SIFT, SURF, BRIEF, BRISK, or FREAK? A general question answered for bone age assessment

Kashif M, Deserno TM, Haak D, Jonas SM.
Feature description with SIFT, SURF, BRIEF, BRISK, or FREAK? A general question answered for bone age assessment.
Comput Biol Med. 2015; 67-75.


Towards quantitative assessment of calciphylaxis

Deserno TM, Sárándi I, Jose A, Haak D, Jonas S, Specht P, Brandenburg V.
Towards quantitative assessment of calciphylaxis.
Proc SPIE. 2014; 9035:90353C.

Wearable technology as a booster of clinical care

Jonas S, Hanning A, Spreckelsen C, Deserno TM.
Wearable technology as a booster of clinical care.
Proc SPIE. 2014; 9039:90390F.


Haak D, Gehlen J, Jonas S, Deserno TM.
OC ToGo: bed site image integration into OpenClinica with mobile devices.
Proc SPIE. 2014; 9039:903909.

Der Impact der Medizinischen Informatik

Pommerening K, Deserno TM, Ingenerf J, Lenz R, Schmücker P.
Der Impact der Medizinischen Informatik.
Info Spek. 2014; 37:1-25.

Objectifying the conjunctival provocation test

Dogan S, Astvatsatourov A, Deserno TM, Bock F, Shah-Hosseini K, Michels A, Mösges R.
Objectifying the conjunctival provocation test: photography-based rating and digital analysis.
Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2014; 163(1):59-68.

Medical image computing and image-based simulation

Handels H, Meinzer HP, Deserno TM, Tolxdorff T.
Medical image computing and image-based simulation: recent developments and advances in Germany.
Int J CARS. 2014; 9(2):341-3.

Integrated image data and medical record management for rare disease registries

Deserno TM, Haak D, Brandenburg V, Deserno V, Classen C, Specht P.
Integrated image data and medical record management for rare disease registries: a general framework and its instantiation to the German calciphylaxis registry.
J Digit Imaging. 2014; 27(3):702-13.

Simplifying electronic data capture in clinical trials

Haak D, Samsel C, Gehlen J, Jonas S, Deserno TM.
Simplifying electronic data capture in clinical trials: workflow embedded image and biosignal file integration and analysis via web services.
J Digit Imaging. 2014; 27(5):571-80.

Quantitative conjunctival provocation test for controlled clinical trials

Sárándi I, Claßen DP, Astvatsatourov A, Pfaar O, Klimek L, Mösges R, Deserno TM.
Quantitative conjunctival provocation test for controlled clinical trials.
Methods Inf Med. 2014; 53(4):238-44.


Bone age assessment using support vector regression with smart class mapping

Haak D, Yu J, Simon H, Schramm H, Seidl T, Deserno TM.
Bone age assessment using support vector regression with smart class mapping.
Proc SPIE. 2013; 8670:86700A.

Automatic conjunctival provocation test combining Hough circle transform and self-calibrated color measurements

Bista SR, Sarandi I, Dogan S, Astvatsatourov A, Mösges R, Deserno TM.
Automatic conjunctival provocation test combining Hough circle transform and self-calibrated color measurements.
Proc SPIE. 2013; 8670:86702J.

Quantification of microfluidic dye mixing using front line tracking in curvature scale space

Jonas S, Zhou E, Huang B, Choma MA, Deserno TM.
Quantification of microfluidic dye mixing using front line tracking in curvature scale space.
Proc SPIE. 2013; 8672:867206.

Integration image management and analysis into OpenClinica using web services

Deserno TM, Haak D, Samel C, Gehlen J, Kabino K.
Integration image management and analysis into OpenClinica using web services.
Proc SPIE. 2013; 8674:86740F.

Support vector machine classification based on correlation prototypes applied to bone age assessment

Harmsen M, Fischer B, Schramm H, Seidl T, Deserno TM.
Support vector machine classification based on correlation prototypes applied to bone age assessment.
IEEE J Biomed Health Inform. 2013; 17(1):190-7.

Recent advances in 3D medical image generation and analysis

Deserno TM, Handels H, Meinzer HP, Tolxdorff T.
Recent advances in 3D medical image generation and analysis.
Curr Med Imaging Rev. 2013; 9(2):77-8.

Viewpoints on medical image processing

Deserno TM, Handels H, Maier-Hein KH, Mersmann S, Palm C, Tolxdorff T, Wagenknecht G, Wittenberg T.
Viewpoints on medical image processing: from science to application.
Curr Med Imaging Rev. 2013; 9(2):79-88.

Development of national competency-based learning objectives medical informatics for undergraduate medical education

Röhrig R, Stausberg J, Dugas M, on behalf of the GMDS project group Medical Informatics Education in Medicine.
Development of national competency-based learning objectives medical informatics for undergraduate medical education.
Methods Inf Med. 2013; 52:184-8.

Black-box-integration of computer-aided diagnosis into PACS deserves a second chance

Geldermann I, Grouls C, Kuhl C, Deserno TM, Spreckelsen C.
Black-box-integration of computer-aided diagnosis into PACS deserves a second chance: results of a usability study concerning bone age assessment.
J Digit Imaging. 2013; 26(4):698-708.

Bone age assessment using the classifying generalized Hough transform

Hahmann F, Berger I, Ruppertshofen H, Deserno T, Schramm H.
Bone age assessment using the classifying generalized Hough transform.
Lect Notes Computer Sci. 2013; 8142:313-22.

A novel approach to quantifying ciliary physiology

Jonas S, Zhou E, Deniz E, Huang B, Chandrasekera K, Bhattacharya D, Wu Y, Fan R, Deserno TM, Khokha MK, Choma MA.
A novel approach to quantifying ciliary physiology: microfluidic mixing driven by a ciliated biological surface.
Lab Chip. 2013; 13(21):4160-3.


Robust adaptive flow line detection in sewer pipes

Kirstein S, Müller K, Walecki-Mingers M, Deserno TM.
Robust adaptive flow line detection in sewer pipes.
Autom Constr. 2012; 21(1):24-31.

Computer-aided diagnostics of screening mammography using content-based image retrieval

Deserno TM, Soiron M, de Oliveira JEE, de Albuquerque Araújo A.
Computer-aided diagnostics of screening mammography using content-based image retrieval.
Proc SPIE. 2012; 8315:831527.

A systematic review of automated melanoma detection in dermatoscopic images and its ground truth data

Ali ARA, Deserno TM.
A systematic review of automated melanoma detection in dermatoscopic images and its ground truth data.
Proc SPIE. 2012; 8318:83181I.

Toward a repository for standardized medical image and signal case data annotated with ground truth

Deserno TM, Welter P, Horsch A.
Towards a repository for standardized medical image and signal case data annotated with ground truth.
J Digit Imaging. 2012; 25(2):213-26.

Web-based bone age assessment by content-based image retrieval for case-based reasoning

Fischer B, Welter P, Günther RW, Deserno TM.
Web-based bone age assessment by content-based image retrieval for case-based reasoning.
Int J CARS. 2012; 7(3):389-99.

Image analysis and modeling in medical image computing

Handels H, Deserno TM, Meinzer HP, Tolxdorff T.
Image analysis and modeling in medical image computing: recent developments and advances.
Methods Inf Med. 2012; 51(5):395-7.

Inhaltsbasiertes Bildmanagement

Deserno TM.
Inhaltsbasiertes Bildmanagement.
Med Eng. 2012; 7-8:34-9.

Automatische Bildanalyse in der Mammografie

Deserno TM.
Automatische Bildanalyse in der Mammografie.
Med Eng. 2012; 9-10:60-3.

Aspekte des datenschutzgerechten Managements klinischer Forschungsdaten

Deserno TM, Deserno V, Lowitsch V, Frank W, Willems J, Löbner H.
Aspekte des datenschutzgerechten Managements klinischer Forschungsdaten.
Proc GI. 2012; 208:1491-505.

Generic integration of content-based image retrieval in computer-aided diagnosis

Welter P, Fischer B, Günther RW, Deserno TM.
Generic integration of content-based image retrieval in computer-aided diagnosis.
Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2012; 108(2):589-99.

Practical imaging informatics

Deserno TM.
Practical imaging informatics: foundations and applications for PACS professionals.
J Digit Imaging. 2012; 25(1):11-3.

Literatur für interdisziplinäre Wissenschaft

Deserno TM.
Literatur für interdisziplinäre Wissenschaft: Eine Anforderungsanalyse aus Anwendersicht.
GMS Med Bibl Inf. 2012; 12(3):Doc20.

IRMA code II: Unique annotation of medical images for access and retrieval

Piesch TC, Müller H, Kuhl CK, Deserno TM.
IRMA code II: Unique annotation of medical images for access and retrieval.
Quality of Life through Quality of Information. IOS Press. 2012; 159-63.


Content-based image retrieval applied to BI-RADS tissue classification in screening mammography

de Oliveira JEE, de A. Araújo A, Deserno TM.
Content-based image retrieval applied to BI-RADS tissue classification in screening mammography.
World J Radiol. 2011; 3(1):24-31.

Advances in medical image processing

Deserno TM, Aach T, Amunts K, Hillen W, Kuhlen T, Scholl I.
Advances in medical image processing.
Comput Sci Res Dev. 2011; 26(1):1-3.

Challenges of medical image processing

Scholl I, Aach T, Deserno TM, Kuhlen T.
Challenges of medical image processing: from kilo- to terabyte.
Comput Sci Res Dev. 2011; 26(1):5-13.

Visibility of medical informatics regarding bibliometric indices and databases

Spreckelsen C, Deserno TM, Spitzer K.
Visibility of medical informatics regarding bibliometric indices and databases.
BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2011; 11(24):1-11.

Bone age assessment by content-based image retrieval and case-based reasoning

Fischer B, Welter P, Grouls C, Guenther RW, Deserno TM.
Bone age assessment by content-based image retrieval and case-based reasoning.
Proc SPIE. 2011; 7963:179630P.

Integration of medical images into the digital hospital

Gao X, Müller H, Deserno TM.
Integration of medical images into the digital hospital.
Open Med Inform J. 2011; 5 Suppl 1-M1:17-8.

Prototypes for content-based image retrieval in clinical practice

Depeursinge A, Fischer B, Müller H, Deserno TM.
Prototypes for content-based image retrieval in clinical practice.
Open Med Inform J. 2011; 5 Suppl 1-M7:58-72.

Bridging the integration gap from imaging to information systems

Welter P, Riesmeier J, Fischer B, Grouls C, Kuhl C, Deserno TM.
Bridging the integration gap from imaging to information systems: a uniform data concept for content-based image retrieval in computer-aided diagnosis.
J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2011; 18(4):506-10.

Towards computer-aided diagnostics of screening mammography using content-based image retrieval

Deserno TM, Sorion M, de Oliveira JEE, de A Araujo A.
Towards computer-aided diagnostics of screening mammography using content-based image retrieval.
Proc IEEE SIBGRAPHI. 2011; 211-9.

Towards case-based medical learning in radiological decision making using content-based image retrieval

Welter P, Deserno TM, Fischer B, Guenther RW, Spreckelsen C.
Towards case-based medical learning in radiological decision making using content-based image retrieval.
BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2011; 11(68):1-16.


MammoSys: a content-based image retrieval system using breast density patterns

de Oliveira JEE, Machado AMC, Chavez GC, Lopes APB, Deserno TM, de A Araujo A.
MammoSys: a content-based image retrieval system using breast density patterns.
Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2010; 99(3):289-97.

Regional anaesthesia in virtual enviroments

Grottke O, Ullrich S, Fried E, Deserno TM, Kuhlen T, Rossaint R.
Regional anaesthesia in virtual enviroments.
J Clin Monit Comput. 2010; 24(1):13-4.

Fundus image registration for vestibularis research

Ithapu VK, Fritsche A, Oppelt A, Westhofen M, Deserno TM.
Fundus image registration for vestibularis research.
Proc SPIE. 2010; 7624:76243E.

Content-based image retrieval applied to bone age assessment

Fischer B, Brosig A, Welter P, Grouls C, Günther RW, Deserno TM.
Content-based image retrieval applied to bone age assessment.
Proc SPIE. 2010; 7624:762412.

Comparison of algorithms for ultrasound image segmentation without ground truth

Sikka K, Deserno TM.
Comparison of algorithms for ultrasound image segmentation without ground truth.
Proc SPIE. 2010; 7627:76271C.

Exemplary design of a DICOM Structured Report template for CBIR integration into radiological routine

Welter P, Deserno TM, Gülpers R, Wein BB, Grouls C, Günther RW.
Exemplary design of a DICOM Structured Report template for CBIR integration into radiological routine.
Proc SPIE. 2010; 7628:76280B.

Workflow management of content-based image retrieval for CAD support in PACS environments based on IHE

Welter P, Hocken C, Deserno TM, Grouls C, Günther RW.
Workflow management of content-based image retrieval for CAD support in PACS environments based on IHE.
Int J CARS. 2010; 5(4):393-400.

The publication echo

Spreckelsen C, Deserno TM, Spitzer K.
The publication echo: effects of retrieving literature in PubMed by year of publication.
Int J Med Inform. 2010; 79(4):297-303.

Advances and recent developments in medical image computing

Handels H, Meinzer HP, Deserno TM, Tolxdorff T.
Advances and recent developments in medical image computing.
Int J CARS. 2010; 5(6):555-6.

Overview of the CLEF 2009 medical image annotation track

Tommasi T, Caputo B, Welter P, Guld M, Deserno TM.
Overview of the CLEF 2009 medical image annotation track.
Lect Notes Computer Sci. 2010; 6242:85-93.

Visualization and analysis of medical ultrasound processing applied to ground penetrating radar

Deserno TM, Muller K, Reiss M, Pentang G, Hofmann D, Niessen J.
Visualization and analysis of medical ultrasound processing applied to ground penetrating radar.
Water Asset Manage Int. 2010; 6(3):14-20.

Combined DICOM and HL7 viewer in support of a bridge from content-based image retrieval to computer-aided diagnosis

Welter P, Topal F, Jansen S, Deserno TM, Riesmeier J, Grouls C, Günther RW.
Combined DICOM and HL7 viewer in support of a bridge from content-based image retrieval to computer-aided diagnosis.
Adv Intell Soft Comput. 2010; 69:145-52.


Ein routineintegrierbares Planungswerkzeug zur operativen Rekonstruktion der Orbita

Deserno TM, Liao W, Metzger MC, Kleiner ME, Schulze D.
Ein routineintegrierbares Planungswerkzeug zur operativen Rekonstruktion der Orbita.
GMS Med Inform Biom Epidemiol. 2009; 5(3):17.

Medizinische Bild- und Signalverarbeitung

Wittenberg T, Deserno TM.
Medizinische Bild- und Signalverarbeitung.
GMS Med Inform Biom Epidemiol. 2009; 5(3):21.

Content-Based image retrieval in medicine

Long LR, Antani S, Deserno TM, Thoma GR.
Content-Based image retrieval in medicine: retrospective assessment, state of the art, and future directions.
Int J Healthc Inform Syst Informat. 2009; 4(1):1-16.

Content-based image retrieval

Deserno TM, Long LR, Greenspan H.
Content-based image retrieval: major challenges for biomedical applications.
Int J Healthc Inform Syst Informat. 2009; 4(1):i-iii.

Natural language processing versus content-based image analysis for medical document retrieval

Névéol A, Deserno TM, Darmoni SJ, Güld MO, Aronson AR.
Natural language processing versus content-based image analysis for medical document retrieval.
J Am Soc Inf Sci Technol. 2009; 60(1):123-34.

Ontology of gaps in content-based image retrieval

Deserno TM, Antani S, Long R.
Ontology of gaps in content-based image retrieval.
J Digit Imaging. 2009; 22(2):202-15.

Structural scene analysis and content-based image retrieval applied to bone age assessment

Fischer B, Brosig A, Deserno TM, Ott B, Günther RW.
Structural scene analysis and content-based image retrieval applied to bone age assessment.
Proc SPIE. 2009; 7260:726004.

A multi-image approach to CADx of breast cancer with integration into PACS

Elter M, Wittenberg T, Schulz-Wendtland R, Deserno TM.
A multi-image approach to CADx of breast cancer with integration into PACS.
Proc SPIE. 2009; 7264:72640X.

Integration of CBIR in radiological routine in accordance with IHE

Welter P, Deserno TM, Fischer B, Wein BB, Ott B, Günther RW.
Integration of CBIR in radiological routine in accordance with IHE.
Proc SPIE. 2009; 7264:726404.


Deserno TM, Burtseva L, Secrieru I, Popcova O.
CASAD: Computer-aided sonography of abdominal diseases: The concept of joint technique impact.
Comput Sci J Moldova. 2009; 17(3):278-97.

Advances in medical image computing

Tolxdorff T, Deserno TM, Handels H, Meinzer HP.
Advances in medical image computing.
Methods Inf Med. 2009; 48(4):311-3.

Content-based image retrieval for scientific literature access

Deserno TM, Antani S, Long RL.
Content-based image retrieval for scientific literature access.
Methods Inf Med. 2009; 48(4):371-80.

Medical image annotation in ImageCLEF 2008

Deselaers T, Deserno TM.
Medical image annotation in ImageCLEF 2008.
Lect Notes Computer Sci. 2009; 5706:523-30.

A posteriori registration and subtraction of panoramic compared with intraoral radiography

Deserno TM, Rangarajan JR, Hoffmann J, Brägger U, Mericske-Stern R, Enkling N.
A posteriori registration and subtraction of panoramic compared with intraoral radiography.
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2009; 108(2):39-45.

Virtual reality-based simulator for training in regional anaesthesia

Grottke O, Ntouba A, Ullrich S, Liao W, Fried E, Prescher A, Deserno TM, Kuhlen T, Rossaint R.
Virtual reality-based simulator for training in regional anaesthesia.
Br J Anaesth. 2009; 103(4):594-600.

An intersubject variable regional anaesthesia simulator with a virtual patient architecture

Ullrich S, Grottke O, Fried E, Frommen T, Liao W, Rossaint R, Kuhlen T, Deserno TM.
An intersubject variable regional anaesthesia simulator with a virtual patient architecture.
Int J CARS. 2009; 4(6):561-70.

Baseline results for the ImageCLEF 2008 medical automatic annotation task in comparison over the years

Güld MO, Welter P, Deserno TM.
Baseline results for the ImageCLEF 2008 medical automatic annotation task in comparison over the years.
Lect Notes Computer Sci. 2009; 5706:752-5.


Scene analysis with structural prototypes for content-based image retrieval in medicine

Fischer B, Sauren M, Güld MO, Deserno TM.
Scene analysis with structural prototypes for content-based image retrieval in medicine.
Proc SPIE. 2008; 6914:69141X.

Towards a standard reference database for computer-aided mammography

de Oliveira JEE, Güld MO, de A. Araújo A, Ott B, Deserno TM.
Towards a standard reference database for computer-aided mammography.
Proc SPIE. 2008; 6915:69151Y.

Interactive modeling and simulation of peripheral nerve cords in virtual environments

Ullrich S, Frommen T, Eckert J, Schütz A, Liao W, Deserno TM, Ntouba A, Rossaint R, Prescher A, Kuhlen T.
Interactive modeling and simulation of peripheral nerve cords in virtual environments.
Proc SPIE. 2008; 6918:69182J.

MITK-based segmentation of co-registered MRI for subject-related regional anaesthesia simulation

Teich C, Liao W, Ullrich S, Kuhlen T, Ntouba A, Rossaint R, Ullisch M, Deserno TM.
MITK-based segmentation of co-registered MRI for subject-related regional anaesthesia simulation.
Proc SPIE. 2008; 6918:69182M.

Evaluation of free non-diagnostic DICOM software tools

Liao W, Deserno TM, Spitzer K.
Evaluation of free non-diagnostic DICOM software tools.
Proc SPIE. 2008; 6919:691903.

Integration of a research CBIR system with RIS and PACS for radiological routine

Fischer B, Deserno TM, Ott B, Günther RW.
Integration of a research CBIR system with RIS and PACS for radiological routine.
Proc SPIE. 2008; 6919:691914.

IJCARS special issue editorial

Horsch A, Deserno TM, Handels H, Meinzer HP, Tolxdorff T.
IJCARS special issue editorial: BVM 2007 German conference on medical image processing.
Int J CARS. 2008; 2(2):253-4.

A framework and baseline results for the CLEF medical automatic annotation task

Gueld MO, Thies C, Fischer B, Deserno TM.
A framework and baseline results for the CLEF medical automatic annotation task.
Pattern Recognit Lett. 2008; 29(15):2025-31.

Automatic medical image annotation in ImageCLEF 2007

Deselaers T, Deserno TM, Müller H.
Automatic medical image annotation in ImageCLEF 2007: overview, results, and discussion.
Pattern Recognit Lett. 2008; 29(15):1988-95.

Extended query refinement for medical image retrieval

Deserno TM, Güld MO, Plodowski B, Spitzer K, Wein BB, Schubert H, Ney H, Seidl T.
Extended query refinement for medical image retrieval.
J Digit Imaging. 2008; 21(3):280-9.

Baseline results for the ImageCLEF 2007 medical automatic annotation task using global image features

Güld MO, Deserno TM.
Baseline results for the ImageCLEF 2007 medical automatic annotation task using global image features.
Lect Notes Computer Sci. 2008; 5152:637-40.

Overview of the ImageCLEFmed 2007 medical retrieval and annotation tasks

Müller H, Deselaers T, Kim E, Kalpathy-Cramer J, Deserno TM, Clough P, Hersh W.
Overview of the ImageCLEFmed 2007 medical retrieval and annotation tasks.
Lect Notes Computer Sci. 2008; 5152:473-91.

Editorial to the special issue on medical image annotation in ImageCLEF 2007

Deselaers T, Deserno TM, Müller H.
Editorial to the special issue on medical image annotation in ImageCLEF 2007.
Pattern Recognit Lett. 2008; 29(15):1987.


A generic concept for the implementation of medical image retrieval systems

Güld MO, Thies C, Fischer B, Lehmann TM.
A generic concept for the implementation of medical image retrieval systems.
Int J Med Inform. 2007; 76(2-3):252-9.

Gaps in content-based image retrieval

Deserno TM, Antani S, Long LR.
Gaps in content-based image retrieval.
Proc SPIE. 2007; 6516:65160J.

Exploring access to scientific literature using content-based image retrieval

Deserno TM, Antani S, Long LR.
Exploring access to scientific literature using content-based image retrieval.
Proc SPIE. 2007; 6516:65160L.

Content-based access to oral and maxillofacial radiographs

Lehmann TM, Molander B, Güld MO, Thies C, Gröndahl HG.
Content-based access to oral and maxillofacial radiographs.
Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2007; 36(6):328-35.

The CLEF 2005 automatic medical image annotation task

Deselaers T, Müller H, Clough P, Ney H, Lehmann TM.
The CLEF 2005 automatic medical image annotation task.
Int J Computer Vis. 2007; 74(1):51-8.

Baseline results for the ImageCLEF 2006 medical automatic annotation task

Güld MO, Thies C, Fischer B, Deserno TM.
Baseline results for the ImageCLEF 2006 medical automatic annotation task.
LNCS. 2007; 4730:686-9.

Overview of the ImageCLEFmed 2006 medical retrieval and annotation tasks

Müller H, Deselaers T, Deserno TM, Clough P, Kim E, Hersh W.
Overview of the ImageCLEFmed 2006 medical retrieval and annotation tasks.
LNCS. 2007; 4730:595-608.

Platformswitching - Methodik zum Erhalt des periimplantären crestalen Knochens: Mythos oder Realität

Enkling N, Klimberg T, Boslau V, Mericske-Stern R, Jepsen S, Schilli W, Deserno TM, Jöhren P.
Platformswitching - Methodik zum Erhalt des periimplantären crestalen Knochens: Mythos oder Realität: Ein Vorabbericht zu einer klinisch prospektiven, randomisierten Splitmouthstudie an 26 Probanden.
ZWR - Das Deutsche Zahnärzteblatt. 2007; 116(11):527-37.

Management und Verarbeitung multimedialer Daten

Müller H, Deselaers T, Lehmann TM, Geissbühler A.
Management und Verarbeitung multimedialer Daten.
Telemedizinführer Deutschland. 2007; 228-35.

Geographically distributed complementary content-based image retrieval systems for biomedical image informatics

Antani S, Lehmann TM, Long LR, Thoma G.
Geographically distributed complementary content-based image retrieval systems for biomedical image informatics.
Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical) Informatics. 2007; 493-7.


Medical informatics

Lehmann TM, Spitzer K.
Medical informatics: challenges of applied information technology in medicine.
It Inf Technol. 2006; 48(1):3-5.

Sensor, signal and image informatics

Lehmann TM, Aach T, Witte H.
Sensor, signal and image informatics: state of the art and current topics.
Methods Inf Med. 2006; 47(Suppl 1):57-67.

Using heterogeneous annotation and visual information for the benchmarking of image retrieval systems

Müller H, Clough P, Hersh W, Deselaers T, Lehmann TM, Geissbuhler A.
Using heterogeneous annotation and visual information for the benchmarking of image retrieval systems.
Proc SPIE. 2006; 6061:606105.

A classification framework for content-based extraction of biomedical objects from hierarchically decomposed images

Thies C, Schmidt-Borreda M, Seidl T, Lehmann TM.
A classification framework for content-based extraction of biomedical objects from hierarchically decomposed images.
Proc SPIE. 2006; 6144:61441N.

The impact of lossless image compression to radiographs

Lehmann TM, Abel J, Weiß C.
The impact of lossless image compression to radiographs.
Proc SPIE. 2006; 6145:614516.

Standardization, interoperability and technology transfer in medical image processing

Horsch A, Lehmann TM.
Standardization, interoperability and technology transfer in medical image processing.
Healthc IT Manage. 2006; 1(1):24-7.

Medical imaging and telemedicine – from medical data production, to processing, storing, and sharing

Clark J, Müller H, Gao X, Lin Q, Lehmann TM, Thom S, Inchingolo P, Chen JC.
Medical imaging and telemedicine – from medical data production, to processing, storing, and sharing: a brief perspective.
Comput Med Imaging Graph. 2006; 30(6-7):329-31.

Information logistics

Lehmann TM.
Information logistics: editorial preface.
Int J Health Care Inf Sys Inform. 2006; 1(2):5-7.

Content-based retrieval of medical images by combining global features

Güld MO, Thies C, Fischer B, Lehmann TM.
Content-based retrieval of medical images by combining global features.
Lect Notes Computer Sci. 2006; 4022:702-11.

The CLEF 2005 cross language image retrieval track

Clough P, Müller H, Deselaers T, Grubinger M, Lehmann TM, Jensen J, Hersh W.
The CLEF 2005 cross language image retrieval track.
Lect Notes Computer Sci. 2006; 4022:535-58.

Entwicklung von Bilderkennungsverfahren zur Qualitätssicherung bei der Zustandserfassung von Kanalisationen

Müller K, Fischer B, Lehmann TM, Hunger W, Schäfer T.
Entwicklung von Bilderkennungsverfahren zur Qualitätssicherung bei der Zustandserfassung von Kanalisationen: Ergebnisse der ersten Projektphase.
bi UmweltBau. 2006; 5(6):64-71.

Sensor, signal and image informatics

Lehmann TM, Aach T, Witte H.
Sensor, signal and image informatics: state of the art and current topics.
Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart. 2006; 15(1):57-67.


Automatic categorization of medical images for content-based retrieval and data mining

Lehmann TM, Güld MO, Deselaers T, Keysers D, Schubert H, Spitzer K, Ney H, Wein BB.
Automatic categorization of medical images for content-based retrieval and data mining.
Comput Med Imaging Graph. 2005; 29(2):143-55.

Segmentation of medical images combining local, regional, global, and hierarchical distances into a bottom-up region merging scheme

Lehmann TM, Beier D, Thies C, Seidl T.
Segmentation of medical images combining local, regional, global, and hierarchical distances into a bottom-up region merging scheme.
Proc SPIE. 2005; 5747:546-55.

Object-based modeling, identification and labeling of medical images for content-based retrieval by querying on intervals of attribute values

Thies C, Ostwald T, Fischer B, Lehmann TM.
Object-based modeling, identification and labeling of medical images for content-based retrieval by querying on intervals of attribute values.
Proc SPIE. 2005; 5748:382-91.

Content-based queries on the CasImage database within the IRMA framework

Thies C, Güld MO, Fischer B, Lehmann TM.
Content-based queries on the CasImage database within the IRMA framework: A field report.
Lect Notes Computer Sci. 2005; 3491(59):781-92.

Ein internetbasierter Service zur automatischen Registrierung und Subtraktion von Radiographien

Hensler M, Lehmann TM, Ott B.
Ein internetbasierter Service zur automatischen Registrierung und Subtraktion von Radiographien.
Quintessenz. 2005; 56(6):627-39.

Strategies to configure image analysis algorithms for clinical usage

Lehmann TM, Bredno J.
Strategies to configure image analysis algorithms for clinical usage.
J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2005; 12(5):497-504.


Content-based retrieval of medical images by matching hierarchical attributed region adjacency graphs

Fischer B, Thies C, Güld MO, Lehmann TM.
Content-based retrieval of medical images by matching hierarchical attributed region adjacency graphs.
Proc SPIE. 2004; 5370:598-606.

Extraction of biomedical objects by sub-graph matching in attributed hierarchical region adjacency graphs

Thies C, Metzler V, Lehmann TM, Aach T.
Extraction of biomedical objects by sub-graph matching in attributed hierarchical region adjacency graphs.
Proc SPIE. 2004; 5370:1498-508.

Extended query refinement for content-based access to large medical image databases

Lehmann TM, Plodowski B, Spitzer K, Wein BB, Ney H, Seidl T.
Extended query refinement for content-based access to large medical image databases.
Proc SPIE. 2004; 5371:90-8.

Similarity of medical images computed from global feature vectors for content-based retrieval

Lehmann TM, Güld MO, Keysers D, Deselaers T, Schubert H, Wein BB, Spitzer K.
Similarity of medical images computed from global feature vectors for content-based retrieval.
Lect Notes Artif Intell. 2004; 3214:989-95.

Comparison of global features for categorization of medical images

Güld MO, Keysers D, Deselaers T, Leisten M, Schubert H, Ney H, Lehmann TM.
Comparison of global features for categorization of medical images.
Proc SPIE. 2004; 5371:211-22.

Advances in biomedical image analysis

Lehmann TM, Meinzer HP, Tolxdorff T.
Advances in biomedical image analysis: past, present and future challenges.
Methods Inf Med. 2004; 43(4):308-14.

Automated hybrid TACT(R) volume reconstructions

Linnenbrügger NI, Webber RL, Kobbelt LP, Lehmann TM.
Automated hybrid TACT(R) volume reconstructions.
Methods Inf Med. 2004; 43(4):315-9.

Content-based image retrieval in medical applications

Lehmann TM, Güld MO, Thies C, Fischer B, Spitzer K, Keysers D, Ney H, Kohnen M, Schubert H, Wein BB.
Content-based image retrieval in medical applications.
Methods Inf Med. 2004; 43(4):354-61.

Digitale Wasserzeichen - Bilder sicher übertragen

Lehmann TM.
Digitale Wasserzeichen - Bilder sicher übertragen: Techniken des "Watermarking" und die digitale Signatur werden für den Bilddatentransfer in der Medizin wichtig.
Dtsch Arztebl. 2004; 51-52:1-7.

IRMA - Content-based image retrieval in medical applications

Lehmann TM, Güld MO, Thies C, Plodowski B, Keysers D, Ott B, Schubert H.
IRMA - Content-based image retrieval in medical applications.
Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Medical Informatics. 2004; 842-8.


Automatic detection of the view position of chest radiographs

Lehmann TM, Güld MO, Keysers D, Schubert H, Wenning A, Wein BB.
Automatic detection of the view position of chest radiographs.
Proc SPIE. 2003; 5032:1275-82.

Hierarchical feature clustering for content-based retrieval in medical image databases

Thies C, Malik A, Keysers D, Kohnen M, Fischer B, Lehmann TM.
Hierarchical feature clustering for content-based retrieval in medical image databases.
Proc SPIE. 2003; 5032:598-608.

The IRMA code for unique classification of medical images

Lehmann TM, Schubert H, Keysers D, Kohnen M, Wein BB.
The IRMA code for unique classification of medical images.
Proc SPIE. 2003; 5033:440-51.

A platform for distributed image processing and image retrieval

Güld MO, Thies C, Fischer B, Keysers D, Wein BB, Lehmann TM.
A platform for distributed image processing and image retrieval.
Proc SPIE. 2003; 5150:1109-20.

Statistical framework for model-based image retrieval in medical applications

Keysers D, Dahmen J, Ney H, Wein B, Lehmann TM.
Statistical framework for model-based image retrieval in medical applications.
J Electron Imaging. 2003; 12(1):59-68.

On the design of active contours for medical image segmentation

Lehmann TM, Bredno J, Spitzer K.
On the design of active contours for medical image segmentation: a scheme for classification and construction.
Methods Inf Med. 2003; 42(1):89-98.

Digitales Röntgen

Schmitt W, Lehmann TM.
Digitales Röntgen.
Quintessenz. 2003; 54(5):503-13.

Determining the view of chest radiographs

Lehmann TM, Güld MO, Keysers D, Schubert H, Kohnen M, Wein BB.
Determining the view of chest radiographs.
J Digit Imaging. 2003; 16(3):280-91.

A general discrete contour modell in two, three, and four dimensions for topology-adaptive multichannel segmentation

Bredno J, Lehmann TM, Spitzer K.
A general discrete contour modell in two, three, and four dimensions for topology-adaptive multichannel segmentation.
IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell. 2003; 25(5):550-63.

Colour texture analysis for quantitative laryngoscopy

Ilgner JFR, Palm C, Schütz AG, Spitzer K, Westhofen M, Lehmann TM.
Colour texture analysis for quantitative laryngoscopy.
Acta Otolaryngol. 2003; 123(6):730-4.


Automatic localization and delineation of collimation fields in digital and film-based radiographs

Lehmann TM, Goudarzi S, Linnenbrügger N, Keysers D, Wein B.
Automatic localization and delineation of collimation fields in digital and film-based radiographs.
Proc SPIE. 2002; 4684:1215-23.

From plastic to gold

Lehmann TM.
From plastic to gold: A unified classification scheme for reference standards in medical image processing.
Proc SPIE. 2002; 4684(3):1819-27.

Quality of DICOM header information for image categorization

Güld MO, Kohnen M, Keysers D, Schubert H, Wein B, Bredno J, Lehmann TM.
Quality of DICOM header information for image categorization.
Proc SPIE. 2002; 4685:280-7.

Virtual radiographs computed from TACT volume data as a gold standard for image registration prior to subtraction

Lehmann TM, Hemler PF, Webber RL.
Virtual radiographs computed from TACT volume data as a gold standard for image registration prior to subtraction.
Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2002; 31(3):187-92.

Implementation of a generalized TACT(R) algorithm for arbitrary source-object distances

Linnenbrügger NI, Webber RL, Lehmann TM.
Implementation of a generalized TACT(R) algorithm for arbitrary source-object distances.
Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2002; 31(4):249-56.

Image processing and enhancement provided by commercial dental software programs

Lehmann TM, Troeltsch E, Spitzer K.
Image processing and enhancement provided by commercial dental software programs.
Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2002; 31(4):264-72.

Bildverbesserung und -analyse in kommerzieller Software zur digitalen intraoralen Radiographie

Lehmann TM.
Bildverbesserung und -analyse in kommerzieller Software zur digitalen intraoralen Radiographie.
Quintessenz. 2002; 53(10):1099-111.

Classification of color textures by Gabor filtering

Palm C, Lehmann TM.
Classification of color textures by Gabor filtering.
Mach Graph Vis. 2002; 11(2-3):195-219.


Computer-assisted quantification of axo-somatic boutons at the cell membrane of motoneurons

Lehmann TM, Bredno J, Metzler V, Brook G, Nacimiento W.
Computer-assisted quantification of axo-somatic boutons at the cell membrane of motoneurons.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2001; 48(6):706-17.

Silver standards obtained from Fourier-based texture synthesis to evaluate segmentation procedures

Lehmann TM, Bredno J, Spitzer K.
Silver standards obtained from Fourier-based texture synthesis to evaluate segmentation procedures.
Proc SPIE. 2001; 4322(1):214-25.

Addendum: B-spline interpolation in medical image processing

Lehmann TM, Gönner C, Spitzer K.
Addendum: B-spline interpolation in medical image processing.
IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2001; 20(7):660-5.

Texture-adaptive active contour models

Lehmann TM, Bredno J, Spitzer K.
Texture-adaptive active contour models.
Lect Notes Computer Sci. 2001; 2013:387-96.

Color line search for illuminant estimation in real world scenes

Lehmann TM, Palm C.
Color line search for illuminant estimation in real world scenes.
J Opt Soc Am. 2001; 18(11):2679-91.


Scale-independent shape analysis for quantitative cytology using mathematical morphology

Metzler V, Bienert H, Lehmann TM, Mottaghy K, Spitzer K.
Scale-independent shape analysis for quantitative cytology using mathematical morphology.
Comput Biol Med. 2000; 30(3):135-51.


Lehmann TM, Gröndahl HG, Benn D.
Review: computer-based registration for digital subtraction in dental radiology.
Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2000; 29(6):323-46.

Morphological multi-scale shape analysis of light micrographs

Metzler V, Lehmann TM, Aach T.
Morphological multi-scale shape analysis of light micrographs.
Proc SPIE. 2000; 3961:227-38.

Content-based image retrieval in medical applications

Lehmann TM, Wein B, Dahmen J, Bredno J, Vogelsang F, Kohnen M.
Content-based image retrieval in medical applications: a novel multi-step approach.
Proc SPIE. 2000; 3972:312-20.

Synergetic impact obtained by a distributed developing platform for image retrieval in medical applications (IRMA)

Bredno J, Kohnen M, Dahmen J, Vogelsang F, Wein B, Lehmann TM.
Synergetic impact obtained by a distributed developing platform for image retrieval in medical applications (IRMA).
Proc SPIE. 2000; 3972:321-31.

A general finite element model for segmentation in 2, 3, and 4 dimensions

Bredno J, Lehmann TM, Spitzer K.
A general finite element model for segmentation in 2, 3, and 4 dimensions.
Proc SPIE. 2000; 3979(2):1174-84.

Automatic parameter setting for balloon models

Bredno J, Lehmann TM, Spitzer K.
Automatic parameter setting for balloon models.
Proc SPIE. 2000; 3979(2):1185-94.

Detection of leukocytes in contact with the vessel wall from in-vivo microscope recordings using a neural network

Egmont-Petersen M, Schreiner U, Tromp SC, Lehmann TM, Slaaf DW, Arts T.
Detection of leukocytes in contact with the vessel wall from in-vivo microscope recordings using a neural network.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2000; 47(7):941-51.

Color-coded duplex sonography of the cervical lymph nodes

Rickert D, Jecker P, Metzler V, Lehmann TM, Ernst E, Westhofen M.
Color-coded duplex sonography of the cervical lymph nodes: Improved differential diagnostic assessment after administration of the signal enhancer SH U 508A (Leovist®).
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2000; 257:435-58.


A novel method for quantifying shape deformation applied to biocompatibility testing

Metzler V, Bienert H, Lehmann TM, Mottaghy K, Spitzer K.
A novel method for quantifying shape deformation applied to biocompatibility testing.
ASAIO J. 1999; 45(4):264-71.

Survey: Interpolation methods in medical image processing

Lehmann TM, Gönner C, Spitzer K.
Survey: Interpolation methods in medical image processing.
IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 1999; 18(11):1049-75.


A deformable membrane for the segmentation of cytological samples

Metzler V, Bredno J, Lehmann TM, Spitzer K.
A deformable membrane for the segmentation of cytological samples.
Proc SPIE. 1998; 3338:1246-57.

Observer-independent registration of perspective projection prior to subtraction of in-vivo radiographs

Lehmann TM, Gröndahl K, Gröndahl HG, Schmitt W, Spitzer K.
Observer-independent registration of perspective projection prior to subtraction of in-vivo radiographs.
Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 1998; 27(3):140-50.


A simple parametric equation for pseudocoloring grey scale images keeping their original brightness progression

Lehmann TM, Kaser A, Repges R.
A simple parametric equation for pseudocoloring grey scale images keeping their original brightness progression.
Image Vis Comput. 1997; 15(3):251-7.

A comparison of similarity measures for digital subtraction radiography

Lehmann TM, Sovakar A, Schmitt W, Repges R.
A comparison of similarity measures for digital subtraction radiography.
Comput Biol Med. 1997; 27(2):151-67.


A rotation-extended cepstrum technique optimized by systematic analysis of various sets of x-ray images

Lehmann TM, Goerke C, Schmitt W, Kaupp A, Repges R.
A rotation-extended cepstrum technique optimized by systematic analysis of various sets of x-ray images.
Proc SPIE. 1996; 2710:390-401.

System analysis of x-ray-sensitive CCD's and adaptive restoration of intraoral radiographs

Peters B, Meyer-Ebrecht D, Lehmann TM, Schmitt W.
System analysis of x-ray-sensitive CCD's and adaptive restoration of intraoral radiographs.
Proc SPIE. 1996; 2710:450-61.


Lehmann TM, Schmitt W, Horn H, Hillen W.
IDEFIX: identification of dental fixtures in intraoral x-rays.
Proc SPIE. 1996; 2710:584-95.

A rotation-extended cepstrum technique and its application to medical images

Lehmann TM, Goerke C, Kaupp A, Schmitt W, Repges R.
A rotation-extended cepstrum technique and its application to medical images.
Pattern Recognit Image Anal. 1996; 6(3):592-604.
