TU Braunschweig
Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics
Muehlenpfordtstr. 23
Room: IZ 431
38106 Braunschweig
Phone: +49 531 391 2126
Fax: +49 531 391 9502
E-mail: (PGP [Fingerprint: A777 C710 AD87 BAEC A276 181D 9EA4 21A3 6F5B EC48])
Thesis Supervision
If you are interested in writing a bachelor's or master's thesis, please contact me. Open topics are a guideline, and I am open for suggestions in the area of "Smart Wearables" or in the context of the ISAN project or Vetdoc project.
Open Topics
- Several topics on data analysis in the field of smart wearables
- Interface development in the ISAN project
- Image processing with horse hooves
In Progress
- Electrocardiogram Signal Quality Assessment from Wearable Technologies in Non-Clinical Settings (Master's thesis)
- Bewertung der EKG-Signalqualität unter Verwendung akzelerometerbasierter Aktivitätsklassifikationen (Bachelor's thesis, 2025-03-09)
- Integration of Rescuetrack into the International Standard Accident Number System (Bachelor's thesis, 2025-03-02)
- Entwicklung einer Android-App im ISAN-Projekt (Bachelor's thesis, 2024-11-30)
- Investigating the Influence of Breathing Sensors on the Accuracy of Deep Learning HAR Algorithms (Bachelor's thesis, 2023-10-08)
- SS 2023: Seminar in Medical Informatics
- WS 2023/2024: Seminar in Medical Informatics
- WS 2023/2024: Teamproject “Appointment booking system for radiology“
- SS 2024: Seminar in Medical Informatics
- SS 2024: Software Engineering Laboratory (Softwareentwicklungspraktikum, abbrev. SEP) “3D horse hoof reconstruction with mobile app”
- WS 2024/2025: Seminar in Medical Informatics
- SS 2025: Seminar in Medical Informatics
- SS 2025: Software Engineering Laboratory (Softwareentwicklungspraktikum, abbrev. SEP) “SafeWear – Android app for integrating smart shirts into the ISAN system”
- Mackwan BS, Haas P, Deserno V, Deserno TM. Automatic measurement of hoof conformation in horses. Proc SPIE. 2025. Unpublished, accepted.
- Haas P, Spicher N, Warnecke JM, Deserno TM. Quality of electrocardiography recorded with consumer smart shirts. Proc EFMI MIE. 2024;487–91. doi:10.3233/shti240455.
- Haas P, Deserno TM. Technological assessment of smart wearables and 5G-integrated edge computing for real-time health monitoring. Proc EFMI MIE. 2023;1002–6. doi:10.3233/shti230326.