Teamproject Medical Information Systems

Bezeichnung Teamproject Medical Information Systems
Modulnummer INF-STD-17
Lehrende Prof. Thomas M. Deserno, Paulo Haas
Leistungspunkte 5
Semesterwochenstunde 4
Anzahl Semester 1
Turnus wintersemester
Präsenszeit (Stunden) 56
Selbststudium (Stunden) 94
Workload (Stunden)
Inhalte The content depends on the specific task and varies from semester to semester.

Winter semester 2024/2025

The kick-off will take place on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at 08:30 in the library (IZ 404, Mühlenpfordtstr. 23, 38106 Braunschweig).
Please register with Paulo Haas.
Literatur The literature sources vary depending on the chosen topic.
Qualifikationsziele The students carry out a larger task together and thus learn key skills such as independent planning, coordination and coordination of projects in a team, the assignment of roles and tasks as well as the definition and adherence to milestones. The team project can serve as preparation for the Bachelor's thesis.
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