5G real laboratory in the mobility region Braunschweig-Wolfsburg
Project partners
12 Millionen Euro - BMVI
5G-LabBraWo - 5G real laboratory in the mobility region Braunschweig-Wolfsburg
The new mobile telecommunications standard 5G promises increased bandwidth, real-time capability and data transmission security. The goal of the 5GLabBraWo project is to establish an open 5G real laboratory in the region Braunschweig-Wolfsburg.
Within the Project, the 5G technology is to be researched and use cases in the sense of a model region shall be developed in a reproducible way. The focus of the PLRI is on the realization and evaluation of use cases for the transmission of medical data from mobile devices. One example are mobile health monitoring systems (e.g. ECG vests), which transmit vital data in real time to a cloud server and can be promptly analyzed and evaluated by corresponding applications.
Another example are mobile MRT trucks, which can be set up in rural areas, for example. These can then take MRI scans and transmit the resulting images, which are several GB in size, to the specialists in the clinics via 5G.
01.12.2019 - 30.06.2023 (3.5 Years)