2024-04-10: Prof. Dr. T. Deserno auf der diesjährigen "WHO/Europe Strategic Partners’ Initiative for Data and Digital Health (SPI-DDH)"
Prof. Deserno wurde von der WHO auf die diesjährige "WHO/Europe Strategic Partners’ Initiative for Data and Digital Health (SPI-DDH)" eingeladen. Diese findet am 13. Juni 2024 in der UN Stadt, Kopenhagen, Dänemark statt.
The Strategic Partners’ Initiative for Data and Digital Health (SPI-DDH) is a collaboration network led by WHO/Europe that brings together the 53 Member States of the WHO European Region and leading partners in the fields of data and digital health. The SPI-DDH aims to tackle issues related to the digital transformation of health systems and foster a future where all people, patients, and health-care workers can benefit from safe, affordable, and person-centred digital technologies for health.
Effective use of health data allows for more accurate diagnoses, personalized treatment plans and evidence-based decision-making. Data analytics and artificial intelligence can equip health-care providers to better prevent and treat diseases, while also empowering people to manage their own health and well-being.
The SPI-DDH is a unique meeting point for innovators, governments, academia, and civil society to convene and address the critical issues surrounding efforts to bring digital innovation into national health systems. The initiative also welcomes participation from patient advocacy groups and health-care providers.
Key objectives of the SPI-DDH include:
- identifying actions to improve the uptake of safe and equitable digital health solutions;
- supporting collaborations that promote solidarity in digital health care;
- providing an independent space for countries to learn and engage with external partners in exploring data and digital health solutions; and
- developing future scenarios for health-care delivery and data usage in the European Region that can be used to inform further transformation of health systems and support the health workforce.
Over 100 representatives of Member States, intergovernmental, governmental and nongovernmental organizations, WHO collaborating centres for data and digital health, the private sector, and academic institutions have joined the SPI-DDH.
The SPI-DDH has been established in line with the Regional digital health action plan for the WHO European Region 2023–2030 and the WHO global strategy on digital health 2020–2025.

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