Lower Saxony Network for E-Assessment and E-exams
Project partners
- Leibniz Universität Hannover
- Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
- TiHo Hannover
- Uni Osnabrück
- Hochschule Ostfalia
- ELAN e.V.
Partner Universities:
Hochschule Hannover
Hochschule Osnabrück
Uni Vechta
TU Clausthal
Uni Oldenburg
Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture
The basic aim of the project is to establish e-assessments and exams at universities of Lower Saxony. Students´ achievements are mainly assessed through assessments and written exams. These have increased considerably in recent years, not at least as a result of the Bologna Process. Meanwhile, assessments and tests can be carried out electronically and procedures such as correction can be automated. The resources thus saved can be used to cope with the increasing number of tests and assessments as well as to improve teaching quality. The implementation of e-assessment and e-exams requires extensive didactic, technical, organizational and legal skills by universities and educational staff, which are available only sporadically or in small degree so far. The universities are thus facing challenges that they can not cope alone. Therefore, different institutions have come together to Lower Saxony network for e-assessment and e-exams to promote the use of the so far hardly widespread learning technologies "electronic assessment" and "electronic exams" in meaningful learning scenarios and thus contribute to the improvement of teaching quality at universities in Lower Saxony. At Hannover Medical School electronic input devices are in routine use for written examinations for several years now. The concrete contribution to the project consists primarily of a know-how transfer from MHH to the Lower Saxony Institutes of Technology (NTH) or the LU Hannover.
June 2010 - December 2012