EHDEN Data Partner Project
European Health Data & Evidence Network to standardise clinical data in OMOP common data model
Project partners
MHH Information Technology (MIT): Mrs. Dr. Apfel-Starke, Mrs. Köhler, Mr. Fradziak, Mr. Schönfeld, Mr. Steinmeyer
external cooperation partner: Martin Preusse from Kaiser & Preusse - https://kaiser-preusse.com/
Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (JU)
The project aims to make healthcare data available for clinical research in the future. This requires the standardisation of healthcare data and the interoperable exchange of them using open standards.
In the project we work on data of the Enterprise Clinical Research Data Warehouse (ECRDW) of the Hannover Medical School, which is operating since 2013. It contains healthcare data, for example diagnoses, laboratory results, vital signs or metadata on linked data, e.g. biosamples or radiological images, from patients. Parts of the data are being transferred to the open OMOP CDM (Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model) standard in accordance with data protection regulations, in order to be able to use this data for future questions in clinical research.
01.01.2022 – 31.12.2023