accelerometer aided cardiography
Project partners
- Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks (IBR) Department "communication and multimedia" of TU Braunschweig (Dr. Ulf Kulau)
- Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks (IBR) Department "communication and multimedia" of TU Braunschweig (Dr. Felix Büsching)
- Hannover Medical School (MHH)
- Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Braunschweig (PTB)
On this project high-sensitive 3D-accelerometers will measure the pulse generated by the heartbeat. Thus, the pumping or ejection forces (ballistic force, Greek “ballein” = "throw") of systolic and diastolic heart activities can be calculated and a conclusion about cardiac functions can be drawn.
With such a system patients can be supported in everyday life after a long confinement to bed or with a myocardial failure. Within the mobilization process medical professionals can monitor heart function parameters while the patients are in their own homes.
since 2014