2019-12-19: job offer: Associate Professor für Medical Informatics - Health Information Systems
At Hannover Medical School, PLRI seeks to recruit a new Associate Professor for Medical Informatics - Health Information Systems.
Job offer at Nature.com: Associate Professor at PLRI
The applicant should be internationally well-known for her/his research work in the area of Medical Informatics and should represent the subject in research and teaching. Preference will be given to individuals whose research interests are in one or more of the following fields: eHealth, semantic interoperability, clinical decision support, mHealth, medical data science, telemedicine or health-enabling technologies. In addition to outstanding scientific qualifications, successful acquisition of third-party funding and collaboration in interdisciplinary research alliances are expected. Furthermore, experience in scientific cooperation with clinical and industrial project partners is advantageous.
MHH is a core partner of the HiGHmed consortium, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of its national Medical Informatics Initiative. In the case of an appointment, active participation in the planning and implementation of MHH’s contributions to this consortium is expected. Within this funding scheme, the professor has the opportunity to apply for funding for a research group (group leader and two scientists over five years). In teaching, the professor is expected to assume responsibility in a newly established master’s course for physicians in “Biomedical Data Science” and the HannibaL course in medicine. PLRI is a joint institute of Hannover Medical School and TU Braunschweig, therefore cooptation at TU Braunschweig is envisaged.
The ability to conduct interdisciplinary research and expertise in the translation of research projects are required. Further prerequisites are excellent publication performance and proof of the acquisition of own research funds. Special commitment and experience in student teaching and the promotion of young academics are expected. Natural scientists and physicians are eligible to fill the position. Expertise in gender-sensitive research is desirable. Applicants should also have proven leadership qualities and be known for their team-oriented management style and communication skills. Disabled persons with equal qualifications will be given preferential consideration. Enquiries regarding details of this post can be directed to M. Marschollek, marschollek.michael@mh-hannover.de.
MHH is one of Germany’s leading university medical centers and a leading research center in life sciences, with a 50-year history of Medical Informatics. MHH is an equal opportunities employer, aims to increase the number of women on its faculty and therefore encourages women to apply for this position. Applicants have to meet the conditions stipulated by university legislation in Lower Saxony, details of which are available upon request. Your application should include a short summary CV, a detailed description of your training and research career, a list of publications (separate listing of original research papers, reviews, book chapters) and research grants, reprints of 5 selected publications, as well as a summary of your teaching experience, a short exposé on your planned research, your proposed teaching activities and your ideas on managing a research group, including gender balance aspects.
You should submit your application both in electronic and paper format by 31 January 2019 to:
The President, Hannover Medical School, Carl-Neuberg-Str.1, 30625 Hannover, email: barlach.sabine@mh-hannover.de
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