Further links
Website BMBF – PM4Onco
Website Medizininformatik-Initiative
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research in der Medizininformatik-Initiative
Associated partner:
This project is funded within the framework of the Medical Informatics Initiative under the funding code 01ZZ2321A-K.
PCOR-MII is a joint project that brings together patient initiatives, medical informatics specialists, clinicians from various disciplines from eleven MII locations as well as international initiatives for measuring PROs and technology partners. The project builds on the developments of the Network of University Medicine (NUM) and places a special focus on user-oriented functions as well as legal and interoperability aspects. This project aims to make a decisive contribution to advancing medical care for patients with chronic diseases.
The digital solutions of PCOR-MII are to be used in three specific clinical scenarios: Anorexia, Nervosa, persistent somatic symptoms and follow-up care after kidney transplants.
The aim is to better understand risk factors for anorexia nervosa, identify effective treatments for persistent somatic symptoms and ensure long-term medication adherence for kidney transplants.
Website BMBF – PM4Onco
Website Medizininformatik-Initiative