COVID-19 Research Network Lower Saxony
Project partners
The goals of the network are the integration of Lower Saxony's expertise in Corona research and the development of strategies for dealing with future pandemics.The aim of the joint research project is to investigate fundamental and important questions about the virus, the molecular basis for the development of drugs and vaccines, and the prediction and influencing of pandemic events over a longer period of time. New findings will help to develop new forms of therapy and provide Lower Saxony with additional instruments to protect the population from infections with SARS-CoV-2.
In one part of the COFONI project, a research data platform will be established which enables pseudonymized data to be made available and allows data beyond the GECCO dataset to be queried. Freely usable components (EHRbase) and open standards (openEHR) will be used, while taking the FAIR criteria into full consideration.
The research projects funded by COFONI will be made available in bundled form on the COFONI platform by researchers for researchers after their funding periode has expired.
Funded projects:
- PD Dr. med. Richard Taubert, Hannover Medical School, Hannover: Protective immunity against SARS-CoV-2 in immunosuppressed COVID-19 convalescents after liver transplantation
- Christine S. Falk, Prof. Dr., MHH Hannover, Transplant Immunology : Antibody dynamics in LONG COVID patients of the IRMI-19 cohort and oncological patients of the ONCOVID-VAC cohort
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Thum, IMTTS, Hannover: Circular RNAs regulating the SARS-CoV-2 infection in the cardiovascular system
- Tobias Welte, Prof. Dr. med., Department of Pneumology, MHH Hannover : LOCO-PIN: Long-COVID Pneumological, Immunological and Neurological investigation of novel treatment options
- Dr. Vega Gödecke (MHH): Immunadsorption bei Post COVID-Syndrom – EXTINCT Post COVID Studie
- Prof. Dr. Mandy Roheger (UOL): Modellierung neurokognitiver Symptomverläufe, Determinanten und langfristiger Auswirkungen auf Leben und Arbeit nach einer COVID-Erkrankung
- Prof. Dr. Uwe Tegtbur (MHH): Randomisierter Vergleich von telemedizinisch gestützter Psycho- und Bewegungstherapie und deren Kombination
- Prof. Dr. Hajo Holst (UOS): COFONI Arbeitswelt-Monitor – Langfristfolgen der Pandemie, Long/Post COVID und berufliche Ungleichheiten
2020 - 2025